Application of the Westergaard method to calculate the pavement loaded by leg of wheels in tandem
Journal Title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology - Year 2014, Vol 63, Issue 2
The paper includes the methodology followed for the calculation of elastic pavements loaded by the leg of aircraft in arrangement of wheels in tandem. Using the Ray Pickett method, the nomograms are developed to determine the equilibrated load, which are necessary for calculation of pavements by the Westergaard method. The derived formula and nomogram are original solutions that have not yet occurred. Next, calculations of pavement, loaded by legs of CASA military transport plane, were performed. Also, diagrams of stresses and deflections, depending on the thickness of the pavement and the subsoil parameters were made. The resulting graphs significantly speed up the procedure for calculating the pavements what is desirable for military terms.[b]Keywords[/b]: calculation of pavement, leg of aircraft, system wheels in tandem
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Krakowiak, Jan Marszałek
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