Approach of Assessment the Necessity of Sub-Processes Improvement in the Organization
Journal Title: RECENT - Year 2013, Vol 14, Issue 38
In order to implement the optimization of the critical business processes in the organization, it is necessary to determine whether actual need of improvement exists. This can be done by applying the approach of defining of necessity of improvement of real sub-processes within the business process. To that end, it is necessary the processes to be presented as vectors, building two vectors for each business process – real and target ones. In the present paper an approach, through which it can determine the necessity of improvement of each sub-process within the business process has been presented. The need for developing and implementation of this approach is revealed. It is based to assessment the efficiency of sub-processes which build up business processes. The explanation, how the comparison between targets sub-processes and their corresponding real sub-processes are performed. The essence of functioning of the approach is presented. Algorithm and methodology of calculation of the “absolute goal” for improvement are discussed, through which the necessity of sub-processes improvement is ascertained.
Authors and Affiliations
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