Approach to hypersplenism due to splenic metastasis of breast cancer: A case report

Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2012, Vol 39, Issue 1


The most common sites for breast cancer metastasis include the bones, lungs, liver, lymph nodes, and brain. However, splenic metastasis of breast cancer is extremely rare. Hypersplenism occurs as a cause of severe hemolytic anemia in carcinomas or with marked splenic enlargement related to splenic metastasis. We presented a rare case of breast cancer with splenic metastasis that was undergone splenectomy to correct cytopenia related to hypersplenism. In the light of this case, splenectomy can be beneficial in the patients with hypersplenism.

Authors and Affiliations

Mehmet Küçüköner, M. Kaplan, Ali İnal, Abdurrahman Işıkdoğan, Uğur Fırat, Akın Önder, Feyzullah Uçmak, Hakan Önder


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How To Cite

Mehmet Küçüköner, M. Kaplan, Ali İnal, Abdurrahman Işıkdoğan, Uğur Fırat, Akın Önder, Feyzullah Uçmak, Hakan Önder (2012). Approach to hypersplenism due to splenic metastasis of breast cancer: A case report. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 39(1), 117-120.