Approaches to interpretation negligence co-causality in the doctrine of criminal law
Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 32
The article corroborates an idea about a lack of an unified theoretical concept negligence co-causality in the doctrine of criminal law. The author comes to the conclusion that there are two basic approaches to an interpretation of this phenomenon, which the author terms for convenience «narrow» and «wide». Adherents the «narrow» approach insist on differentiation negligence co-causality as a special form of behavior few offenders one negligence crime with a occurrence «coincidence» few separate negligence crimes. Followers of this approach are not suppose that negligence co-causality is the same as coincidence of violations rules of safety from few drivers that entail one social dangerous consequence. Majority the scientists consider as negligence co-causality not only «narrow» forms of causation the criminal consequence but also other variations of negligence causation the combined harm from several offenders. The scientists of this group suppose that concept of negligence co-causality can embrace the situations of causation integrated consequence from few drivers, everyone of which violated the rules of traffic safety or transport operation. It was ascertained that followers of «narrow» approach not adduce proofs, that can clear differentiate the negligence co-causality and that phenomenon, which they call «coincidence acts» or several negligence crimes that coincidence in the spot and time.
Authors and Affiliations
S. R. Bagirov
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