Archiwum Konwentu Polonia – dokumentacja dorpacka
Journal Title: Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica - Year 2017, Vol 24, Issue 24
Konwent Polonia – the oldest academic corporation existing to this day, which was founded in 1828 in Dorpat. Its history, until Poland regained independence, was turbulent – full of conflicts with German students and the Russian authorities, but also not without time for fun and self-education. Unfortunately, materials that directly documented corporation's activity between 1828 and 1882 were destroyed. This paper presents the documentation preserved from the period 1883–1918, and thus at a time when the Konwent Polonia existed in Tartu - in the absence of the Polish State. The article also shows the short history of this corporation's archive. These collections are currently held in two institutions, the Archdiocesan Archive of Warsaw and the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in Vilnius . They document the activity of the Polish academic corporation from the period of partitions.
Authors and Affiliations
Karol Dowgiało
Koncesja na handel obwoźny dla Izraela Jankiela z Kalwarii wydana w 1802 roku
Itinerant trade license for Izrael Jankiel from Kalwaria, issued in 1802. Lands seized by Prussia as a result of Third Partition of Poland were incorporated into the Prussian state as a province named New East Prussia. P...
Polonika w Petersburskim Archiwum Historycznym, Archiwum Literatury i Sztuki oraz Archiwum Dokumentacji Filmowej i Fotograficznej
Polonica in Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg, Central State Archive of Literature and Arts of St. Petersburg and Central State Archive of Film and Photo Documents of St. Petersburg. The article presents...
Edward Potkowski (10 V 1934 – 31 VII 2017)
wspomnienie pośmiertne o śp. prof. Edwardzie Potkowskim
Tytulatura pruska, chełmińska, elbląska, królewiecka, sambijska i michałowska na dokumentach i listach Kazimierza Jagiellończyka. Przyczynek do intytulacji Jagiellonów
The article is an excerpt from a larger work devoted to calling by title of the Jagiellonian dynasty in Poland in the years 1386–1572. In the previous article the author took up the Mazovian and Rutheanian titulary of th...
Zbiór Józefa Władysława Kobylańskiego w Archiwum Głównym Akt Dawnych
Artykuł jest fragmentem nieopublikowanej pracy magisterskiej pt. Przedsiębiorczość kapitalistyczna rodziny Przezdzieckich około 1850-1939 roku. Zawiera ogólne informacje o zawartości Zbioru Józefa Władysława Kobylańskieg...