Materiały sejmikowe w spuściźnie po Ludwiku Gruno księciu Hessen-Homburg w archiwum Muzeum Artylerii, Wojsk Inżynieryjnych I Łączności w St. Petersburgu
Journal Title: Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica - Year 2018, Vol 25, Issue 25
Dietine materials in the legacy of Ludwig Gruno of Hesse-Homburg, in the archive of Military-Historical Museum of Engineer and Signal Corps in St. Petersburg. The article discusses source materials for history of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Dietines, found in archival legacy of Ludwig Gruno, Prince of Hesse-Homburg. The documents are part of field chancellery of the prince, currently preserved in the Military-Historical Museum of Engineer and Signal Corps in St. Petersburg among over a thousand of letters, documents and files illustrating his achievements as commander of Russian armies in the Caucasus and Poland in 1732–1736. The documents pertain mostly to tsarist army exacting war tribute in form of food and feed in South-Eastern voivodeships from autumn 1734 to 1736. It was a significant burden to noblemen in Ukraine, Podolia, Volhynia and Red Ruthenia, so it is not surprising that they petitioned for exemption, or at least reduction of the tribute amount. For this purpose, the noblemen sent envoys to Prince Hesse-Homburg; envoys were elected at dietines and entrusted with tasks usually going beyond the matter of tribute. It is proven by instructions found in Prince Hesse-Homburg’s field chancellery, issued by dietines of Belz, Kiev, Lublin, Podolia, Ruthenia and Volhynia voivodeships, Chełm, Halych, Lviv, Przemyśl, and Sanok lands as well as Zhydachiv powiat.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Ciesielski
Zbigniew Wójcik (29 X 1922 – 22 III 2014)
In memoriam
Bremisches Jahrbuch, Bd. 94, Bremen 2015
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