Journal Title: Studia Gilsoniana - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue


The article discusses the problem of natural justice which has been considered by Aristotle in his (1) Nicomachean and Eudemian Ethics and (2) Magna Moralia. In his Nicomachean and Eudemian Ethics Aristotle says of natural justice that it is changeable and not the same everywhere. The implication seems to be that no action, not even murder, is always wrong. But, as is evident especially from his Magna Moralia, Aristotle distinguishes justice into the “what” (equality), the “in what” (proportion between persons and things), and the “about what” (what things are exchanged with which persons). The article concludes that Aristotle allows for variability only in the “about what,” while in the “what” and the “in what” he allows for no variability.

Authors and Affiliations

Peter Simpson


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How To Cite

Peter Simpson (2014). ARISTOTLE ON NATURAL JUSTICE. Studia Gilsoniana, 3(), 367-376.