Arquivos, bibliotecas e museus: várias histórias


Drawing on a bibliographical research, this paper analyses the trajectory of archives, libraries and museums throughout history, aiming to show the formation process of each of these institutions in relation to various historical moments. Such a historiographical review allows verifying that there is a multiplicity of understandings about the origins and the relationships among archives, libraries and museums, either revealed by a distance or a rapprochement among them. Moreover, the consolidation of the first courses of Archival Science, Librarianship and Museology, in the 19th Century, is believed to stem from the practices and accumulated knowledge at such places: archives, libraries and museums. Ultimately, in order to recall the history of scientific fields, we should also go back in history and recount the several histories of the first institutions.

Authors and Affiliations

Gabrielle Francinne de S. C Tanus| UFMG


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How To Cite

Gabrielle Francinne de S. C Tanus (2014). Arquivos, bibliotecas e museus: várias histórias. BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao, 28(1), 85-100.