Art of perfumery – about fragrances

Journal Title: Kosmetologia Estetyczna - Year 2012, Vol 1, Issue 2


The issues concerning the production of aroma¬tic substances such as perfumes and more diluted solutions of fragrances, were discussed. The func¬tions of aromatic substances were characterized as well as the classifications of products of the perfume type. The creating of scents was descri¬bed as an art of composition of fragrance from the particular aromatic substances. Functions and the content of particular parts of the final compo¬sition – the high note, main note and base note, as well as so called fixatives, were described. Interre¬lations between particular parts, were presented. It gives the possibility to understand the compo¬sition of perfumes and the importance, as well as the art of work of perfume “composers“.

Authors and Affiliations

Gerhard Buchbauer, Aleksander Koll


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How To Cite

Gerhard Buchbauer, Aleksander Koll (2012). Art of perfumery – about fragrances. Kosmetologia Estetyczna, 1(2), 101-103.