Artisanal Mining ecological Effects in Zimbabwe and the Challenges Confronting the State and Ngo`S in its Aversion.


Globally, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) since their inception in the early 19th century, have consistently functioned as concierges and adjudicators in issues ranging and varying from human rights, food security, health security and politics as well as environmental security. Offspring`s of deliberations such as the Brundtland Commission of 1987, these very same organizations are as powerful as national governments and command wider access to foreign aid than the respective governments where they operate. Their relevance and legitimacy is well imbedded in their recognition by bodies like United Nations, European Union, African Union, other multinational organizations and powerful governments thus their role and significance in averting various social ills including unsustainable environmental use, can never be underestimated. It is in light of the above fundamental truths, that the study was devoted to clearly reconnoitering, with regards to environmental conservation, the elaborate role of NGOs as integral affiliates to the state in the universal fight against unremittingly sustained environmental degradation and mismanagement. This study maintains that gold panning is poverty driven and thus simply symptomatic and indicative of latent structural challenges in the form of poverty, unemployment and lack of opportunities. Gold panning was found to be immensely contributive to environmental degradation inclusive of but not confined to deforestation, river siltation, soil erosion, water pollution and the destruction of aquatic based food chains, due to the rampant disposal of waste materials and chemicals directly into the water systems.

Authors and Affiliations

Sikanyiso Masuku


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How To Cite

Sikanyiso Masuku (2017). Artisanal Mining ecological Effects in Zimbabwe and the Challenges Confronting the State and Ngo`S in its Aversion.. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 6(3), 20-25.