Assamese Bujanji Literature : A Study


The writing Assamese Buranji (History) literature was originated in the medieval Ahom period. Some people in the medieval period started writing Buranjis under the inspiration of The Ahom Kings. The tradition of writing Buranjis were there among the Ahom people from the ancient time and in the Buranjis, they captured the governing system and customs of their states, various wars, experiences, their relationship with other states etc. Some of the Buranjis written by them are Xatxori Axom Buranji, Tungkhungia Buranji, Deodhai Axom Buranji etc. These Buranjis give a picture of the cultural, social, political and economic aspects of Assamese society and hence these are always considered as valuable assets of Assamese literature.

Authors and Affiliations

Samutjal Saikia


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How To Cite

Samutjal Saikia (2018). Assamese Bujanji Literature : A Study. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 7(6), 54-56.