Архаические явления в говоре старообрядцев в Польше /Zjawiska archaiczne w gwarze staroobrzędowców w Polsce
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
The Old Believers island dialect in Poland includes many peculiar elements resulting from its functioning in an alien, i.e. Polish, environment, and at the same time it has at its disposal some forms which are unknown in contemporary Russian or its dialects and have their parallels in the history of Russian. They could be interpreted as archaisms. In this paper some of them are considered in detail: the adverb исто (‘well, truly’), the particle дей (instead of де or дескать – ‘say’), the verbal form ямаем (instead of маем or имеем – ‘we have’) and the forms кашчуны, кашчунничать (‘mischiefs, pranks’, ‘play pranks’) designating the pranks played at Christmas Eve by young people (comp. кощунство, кощунствовать – ‘blasphemy, blaspheme’ in modern Russian).
Authors and Affiliations
Stefan Grzybowski
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