Асиметричність розвитку промислового сегмента ринку праці України

Journal Title: Економіка і прогнозування - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 4


The article deals with the scale, qualitative parameters and structural and dynamic characteristics of employment in the industrial complex of Ukraine, as well as identifies the imbalances of the sectoral labor market and determines the mechanisms for increasing the efficiency of its functioning. The authors consider asymmetries of the industrial segment of the labor market through the prism of the structural mismatch between demand and supply of labor resources due to low labor mobility, ineffective system of vocational training and limited access to information from the labor market. The nature of the identified imbalances in the distribution of the employed in Ukraine's industrial complex by activities, occupations, levels of education and wages, as well as types of workplaces allowed reasonable assumptions about their causes and ways of mitigation. The article presents estimations of the modernization potential of Ukrainian industry in the context of studying the asymmetry of using its labor force. According to the results of analytical calculations, the authors reveal an increase in incentives to create jobs in the extractive and processing industries, while, in electricity, gas and steam and water supply and waste management, on the contrary, such incentives were few, and opportunities for production accumulation were lower than in the extractive and processing industries, which caused a limited modernization potential. Special attention is given paid to the assessment of the impact of structural changes in employ-ment by activity on the change in labor productivity in Ukrainian industry, which in turn allowed to determine the realocation effect of labor force from low to high performance activities as an important factor in improving the efficiency of operation and development of the industry. Incentives for the redistribution of employment from low to high productivity activities should stem from the formation of an institutional environment that would promote consistent improvement of the quality of jobs, as well as expansion and creation of new productive jobs and decrease in the number of ineffective ones. In this context, of particular importance are the development of financial institutions, access to credit, and the rule of law.

Authors and Affiliations

Вікторія Близнюк, Ярина Юрик


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  • EP ID EP484793
  • DOI 10.15407/eip2018.04.065
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How To Cite

Вікторія Близнюк, Ярина Юрик (2018). Асиметричність розвитку промислового сегмента ринку праці України. Економіка і прогнозування, 18(4), 65-80. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-484793