Структурно-функціональна деформація фінансового сектора в економіці України
Journal Title: Економіка і прогнозування - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 2
The developed financial sector can play a significant supporting role in the economic development of the country. It is actual question for financial researchers to make proper estimation of the country's financial sector current role in supporting economic development to identify bottlenecks and find opportunities to improve the efficiency of the financial sector in executing of its social, economic and innovative functions. In accordance to this, the article studied the changing of the Ukrainian financial sector's role in supporting the economic development in 2003-2017. The analysis of such parameters as the financial deepening of financial market segments, the intensity of capital accumulation and the redistribution of savings through the financial sector has been made. There is also discovered dynamics of the index of debt load (credit-to-GDP) in the Ukrainian economy and the identification of gaps with the credit-to-GDP trend line. The last one allowed determining of the influence of the Ukrainian credit market on supporting the economic growth in this period. Conclusions are made about the characteristics of the financial sector's role and its impact on the allocation of financial resources into the real sector of the economy. It is noted that the main segment of the financial sector of Ukraine is still the banking with a major share of assets belonging to the government and central bank. Securities market and non banking financial institutions segments holding a just minimal share of financial sector. Despite a major share of bank segment, such kind of financial sector's role in economic growth parameters as the intensity of attracting capital, monetization of the economy and financial depth after the start of the crisis are declining for a long period of time. As well as the credit-to-GDP indicator, the current state of which reflects a weak credit support of the economy and necessity of measures to stimulate credit growth.
Authors and Affiliations
Євген Бублик
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