Aspecte privind analiza statistică a repartiţiei în plan regional a IMM-lor din România în anul 2012

Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2013, Vol 61, Issue 3


In this paper, we assumed to analyze the distribution of SMEs in regional structure for the year 2012. The importance of those enterprises in the national economy after 1999 is confirmed by their more and more addition to the economic growth, the creation of new work places, the intensification of the privatization process and improvement of the regional repartition of economic activities, and also the access to European funds.

Authors and Affiliations

Florin Paul Costel LILEA, Ligia PRODAN, Georgeta LIXANDRU (BARDAŞU)


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How To Cite

Florin Paul Costel LILEA, Ligia PRODAN, Georgeta LIXANDRU (BARDAŞU) (2013). Aspecte privind analiza statistică a repartiţiei în plan regional a IMM-lor din România în anul 2012. Revista Romana de Statistica, 61(3), 250-255.