Assessment of cerebrospinal fluid parameters in the diagnosis of neurological diseases
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2013, Vol 26, Issue 10
Despite the development of neuroimaging techniques, examination of cerebrospinal fluid remains an essential part of neurological diagnostics. Lumbar puncture procedure performed with the correct technique and proper precautions is considered safe. It allows to obtain biological material from the patient which is then used to perform specific tests and make a definitive diagnosis. It also makes it possible to conduct and monitor the effectiveness of treatment in infectious and inflammatory diseases. This review identifies indications and contraindications for lumbar puncture, methods of analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid, the interpretation of the results and their usefulness in resolving diagnostic difficulties. Special attention was paid to biochemical analysis, especially total protein. The article examines methods of the blood-brain barrier malfunction and intrathecal synthesis. It also discusses differential diagnosis of inflammatory cerebrospinal fluid. The article provides updated information on specific biomarkers of cerebrospinal fluid found in certain neurological diseases such as vascular, inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Chochoł, Urszula Fiszer
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