Assessment of compliance with the dimensions of distance education in a university institution (Valoración del cumplimiento de las dimensiones de la educación a distancia en una institución universitaria)
Journal Title: Gestiones. - Year 2023, Vol 3, Issue 1
Objective: to identify the assessment of university professors on the dimensions that distance education fulfills. Method: studymixeddescriptiveconcurrentwithsamplestoconvenience,43teachers inphasequantitativeand5teachersinqualitative phase , using a questionnaire and semi-structured interview, respectively.Results: quantitative assessments,arehighinlocation(96.7%),space(93.3%)andtechnology(86.7%)butdivided,inhighandaverageintemporality, interactionandcontrolof thestudent;initqualitative,thedimensionsoflocation,space,technology,interactionandcontrolof the student have a number of mentions in favorof 5, 5, 8, 10 and 9, respectively. The dimensions of space, temporality and interaction have a number of unfavorable mentions of 3, 13 and 4, respectively. Conclusion: the compliance ratingsforthedimensionsoftemporality,location,technologyandinteractionofthephasequantitativearebacked bytheofthephasequalitative,toexceptionof thespaceandcontrolof thestudent
Authors and Affiliations
Daniel Oliver Ortiz Speck
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