Assessment of energy expenditure of secondary school students during physical education classes including selected activity types

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2013, Vol 23, Issue 61


Aim of the study.The aim of the study was to monitor 45-minute physical education classes in order to assess energy expenditure as well as intensity of physical effort.Material and methods. The research was carried out in April 2012 with a group of 32 students at one of the secondary schools in Biała Podlaska, Poland. Four types of classes were monitored: football, basketball, athletics, and gymnastics classes. Energy expenditure and physical effort intensity were measured with the GT3X+ accelerometer. Electronic medical scales and stadiometer were used to evaluate anthropometric parameters. Data was analyzed with the use of the ActiLife5 computer program and the Statistica 7.1 statistical program. Results. Average energy expenditure measured during the monitored classes turned out to be very low: boys’ expenditure was calculated at 176 kcal and girls’ as 157 kcal. Nearly half of the time was spent with physical effort intensity which did not exceed 3METs. Classes involving team sports were the most beneficial in terms of physical effort intensity and energy expenditure. Conclusions. The research results show that the effectiveness of physical education (PE) classes is very low as far as energy expenditure is concerned. Systematic monitoring of PE classes can help to plan intervention studies aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the classes.

Authors and Affiliations

Marian Stelmach, Michał Sroka


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How To Cite

Marian Stelmach, Michał Sroka (2013). Assessment of energy expenditure of secondary school students during physical education classes including selected activity types. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 23(61), 45-52.