Assessment of hazard and hygienic rating of flubendiamide in agricultural food products of the plant origin, industrial and environmental objects
Journal Title: Український журнал сучасних проблем токсикології - Year 2018, Vol 82, Issue 2
Flubendiamide is recommended for use as an insecticide for corn, sunflower, soybean, cabbage, and tomatoes. The State Enterprise “L.I. Medved’s Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine conducted a study on toxicological and hygienic assessment of flubendiamide and insecticide Belt 480 SC on its basis; the justification of flubendiamide PDE (permitted daily exposure) to human, hygienic rates of the substance and the rules for safe use of the drug. Objectives. Toxicological and hygienic assessment of the use of insecticide on the basis of flubendiamide, assessment of the risk of its impact on agricultural workers and population. Methods. Expert-analytical, toxicological, physical and chemical, and hygienic. Results. According to the toxicity parameters, flubendiamide and Belt 480 SC are pesticides of the second class of hazard. The mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic activity, embryo and reproductive toxicity of flubendiamide are not limiting in assessing its hazard. The results of field studies showed that residual amounts of flubendiamide were not found in the crop of corn and soybean, sunflower seeds, cabbage and tomatoes. The degree of possible occupational risk of exposure to flubendiamide in case of intake by agricultural workers via inhalation and dermal routes does not exceed the permissible level. Conclusion. Insecticide Belt 480 SC, based on flubendiamide in agriculture of Ukraine in corn, sunflower, soybean, cabbage and tomatoes under adherence to hygienic rates and regulations is not hazardous from the point of view of the possibility of contamination of agricultural crops and environmental objects with flubendiamide.
Authors and Affiliations
O. P. Kravchuk, P. G. Zhminko, V. I. Medvedev, A. P. Grinko, S. G. Sergeev, L. P. Ivanova, O. M. Bagatska, P. V. Aleinov, I. P. Pavlenko, V. G. Lyshavsky
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