Assessment of Land Suitability and Water Requirements for Different Crops in Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
Journal Title: International Journal of Plant & Soil Science - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 6
Land reclamation projects in Egypt have been directed towards the Western Desert; however, such expansion requires devoting land and water resources to the optimum use. Hence, the current work aimed at assessing land suitability and water requirements for various crops in an area located west of Dakhla Oasis. The geomorphic features were identified after the processing of Landsat 8.0 satellite image and Digital elevation model (DEM) verified by field and ground studies. Samples of thirty-one soil profiles and eleven water wells were collected and analyzed. Land suitability was assessed using MicroLEIS software with an Almagra model. The main geomorphic units are plateau, pediplain, depression and sand sheets. About 97% of the soils are suitable (high, moderate and marginal) for maize, sunflower, soya bean, wheat, sugar beet, cotton, watermelon, alfalfa, potato, peach, citrus, and olive. Water requirements for each crop were calculated using FAO–Cropwat model as 816.33, 795.98, 1003.83, 550.78, 865.13, 1150.83, 797.87, 2113.47, 397.37, 1577.86, 1503.92 and 1163.96 mm, respectively. The area has water resources with high quality for irrigation, and thus it is considered promising for agricultural expansion
Authors and Affiliations
Mohamed E. Fadl, Ahmed S. Abuzaid
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