Assessment of Risk Factors and Prevalence of Common Gastrointestinal Parasites among Basic School Children In Greater Wad Madani locality, Gezira State , Sudan (2011 – 2014)

Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 7


Objectives: The objectives of this study are: To access the prevalence of intestinal paraites in the study area. To study the epidemiology of intestinal parasites among school children in the study area. To know the association between the risk factors and the degree of infection. To compare and evaluate different diagnostic techniques for the detection of intestinal parasites infections. Methodology: The study was conducted in Wad Medini municipality among basic school children. 10 basic schools were enrolled in the study ,5 schools for girls and 5 ones for boys ,selected randomly from the four direction (East, West ,South and North) in addition to central site , the students attending grade 1,3,5 &7 aged between(5-14 years). Participation was voluntary and children were free to refuse. From each school 40 stool samples were collected randomly & the questionnaire was done for each student .The samples were analyzed by different diagnostic methods ( wet prepration , concentration technique and a semi quantative technique( kat – kate technique) . Statistical analysis: The data was organized inform tables and figures using SPPS program. Statistical analysis was done and based on descriptive statistics , inferential statistics and mean separation. Results: The infection rate was higher in males than females especially in the age group 5-8 years. The high infection by worms was caused by H.nana whereas G. Lambilia was the dominant protozoa. formol ether concentration technique is the superior method to detect gastrointestinal parasites than wet prepration. The check list demonstrated that there is a strong relation between the school environment and the prevalence of parasitic infection. According to the questionnaire ,there was relationship between behavioural risks, environmental sanitation and living condition characteristics and the rate of infection. Semi quantative Kato – kat technique showed that the intensity of ova was not high ,the highly intensity record from basic school for males. Conclusion:. Study population showed high rate of gastrointestinal parasites .Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites are higher in those who used traditional latrines ,had animals in home ,who do not washed vegetables , fruits and hands after playing .The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites higher in males than females.Absence of health education in the school play an important role in the distribution of gastrointestinal parasites .The badness of the school environment is an important factors in the distribution of gastrointestinal parasites among school children.combination between wet prepration and concentration technique is the best method for correct diagnosis of gastrointestinal parasites. Recommendations: The study recommended the combination of wet prepration and formal ether concentration technique in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal parasites. Health education in schools should improved to reduce the rate of infection. Routine examination for gastrointestinal parasite is recommended for school children for early discover and treatment. The school and home water supply and the sanitation system should be improved to eliminate risk factors of gastrointestinal parasites and STH. H.nana recorded high rate ,therefore further study should be done to determine whether H. nana represent public health problem among school children ,this study is the first study in the study area ,therefore further study should be done

Authors and Affiliations

N. H. Osman, B. Y. Nour, A. D. Salim



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  • DOI 10.9790/0853-1707012436.
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How To Cite

N. H. Osman, B. Y. Nour, A. D. Salim (2018). Assessment of Risk Factors and Prevalence of Common Gastrointestinal Parasites among Basic School Children In Greater Wad Madani locality, Gezira State , Sudan (2011 – 2014). IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 17(7), 24-36.