Assessment of the impact of materials used in orthodontics on the formation of artefacts and patient safety during MRI - a review of literature
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2015, Vol 11, Issue 3
Aim. The aim of the study is to present the current knowledgeabout the safety of patients undergoing orthodontic treatmentduring magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and discussionof the impact of component parts of orthodontic applianceson the formation of artefacts (or artifacts) in MRI images.Material and methods. The literature from the years 1981-2015 using the PubMed database was reviewed. The followingkey words were used: magnetic resonance imaging, safety,artefacts, orthodontic appliance. Results. Forty-three articleswere reviewed that were aimed at assessing the impact onMRI image quality exerted by component parts of orthodonticappliances and patient safety. Conclusions. MRI is a noninvasivemethod of visualization of soft tissue where thepatient is not exposed to ionizing radiation. A powerful staticmagnetic field produced during MRI may have an impact onmetallic objects present in the body of the patient. Eachferromagnetic element of an orthodontic appliance posesa potential hazard of entering into interaction with themagnetic field. This is related with the risk of formation ofartefacts hampering correct interpretation of an MRIexamination and with an increase in the temperature ofmetal components of an orthodontic appliance leading tothermal damage to tissues. During an MRI examination,elements of orthodontic materials may also become displacedthus posing the risk of being aspired causing injury to thesurrounding tissue. Removable appliances and non-fixedparts of orthodontic appliances should be removed from thehead and neck prior to an MRI examination, while the removalof fixed elements of an orthodontic appliance will dependon the material they are made of and on the area to bevisualized. (Machaj K, Pardus A, Zielińska E. Assessmentof the impact of materials used in orthodontics on theformation of artefacts and patient safety during MRI -a review of literature. Orthod Forum 2015; 11: 210-19).
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Machaj, Agata Pardus, Ewa Zielińska
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