Atrial fibrillation and symmetrical peripheral gangrene: As a rare presentation in case of Leptospirosis
60 year old non smoker, non-diabetic, normotensive male patient presented with 10 days history of fever and myalgia. On presentation patient had Atrial fibrillation with haemodynamic instability. On investigation he had thrombocytopenia with hepatic and renal dysfunction. 2D-Echo was within normal limits. He did not have any known cardiac risk factors except for age and sex. His IgM leptospira was positive. Patient was managed conservatively with Inj. Ceftriaxone and other supportive care. During hospital stay patient developed gangrene of lower extremities which was controlled with steroids and analgesics. With treatment his hepatic and renal impairment also improved in 25 days. Patient was discharged in satisfactory condition.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Hardeep Singh Deep Dr. Gaurav Chopra Dr. Jasmine Kaur Dr. Kushal Aggarwal Dr. Navjot Kaur Dr. Jasleen Kaur
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