Audiological Profile of Vitiligo Patients
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 3
Vitiligo Is A Systemic Disorder Influencing The Whole Pigmentary System Including Melanocytes In The Inner Ear. The Loss Or Reduction Of Melanocytes In The Inner Ear May Have A Critical Effect On Hearing.; Most Vitiligo Patients Are Asymptomatic For Audiological Abnormalities. The Aim Of The Present Study Was To Evaluate The Auditory Function In Vitiligo Patients. The Study Group Included 15 Cases Of Various Types Of Vitiligo. Fifteen Age- And Sex-Matched Non Vitiligo Cases Were Included As Controls In The Study. A Thorough Audiological Examination Including Pure Tone Audiometry, Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission And Auditory Brain Stem Response Were Carried Out In All Patients And Controls. The Result Shows Decreased Hearing At High Frequencies Which May Indicate More Serious Damage At The Base Of The Cochlea. Transient Oto-Acoustic Emission Result Shows A Significant Decrease In Reproducibility Percent Of Emission In The Vitiligo Group. Auditory Brainstem Response Result Shows A Statistically Significant Decrease Of The Peak I Latency And Increase Of The I-III Interpeak Latency In The Patients As Compared To The Controls.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Hironya Borah1, Dr Ashok Kumar Biswas2, Dr Arjun Roy3
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