Auto- and allo-aggressive behaviours and attitudes of inmates, and ways to prevent them

Journal Title: Problemy Współczesnej Pedagogiki - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 1


Being total institutions, prisons gather individuals with deep deficits in moral and emotional spheres and of pathological personality in a constrained space. Limiting of personal space that leads to violation of their psychological and physical independence, being under supervision and depravation of needs cause further frustration, which in turn leads to auto- and allo-aggression, and intensification of destructive behaviours that are often conditioned by the existence of the prison subculture. Recent years have shown a decrease in the number of self-damage acts performed by inmates and an increase in the number of aggressive behaviours towards prison officers. The situation is aggravated by the liberal and permissive policy allowing concessions in order to maintain peace in prisons and reduce the number of complaints issued by inmates. Such an attitude can be deemed pathological humanization that has nothing in common with rehabilitation. Creation of caste stratification in prisons and increase in significance of language magic and taboo norms were a reaction to repressions in the post-World War II penitentiary system. Repressed members of the prison subculture started harassing aliens more, and surrounded their self-made world with impassable barriers. The changes that occurred after social and structural changes in 1989 caused liberalization and humanization of the conditions in which inmates serve prison sentences. Consequently, radicalism and dogmatism of subcultural norms underwent softening. There was a decrease in the number of mass hunger strikes, homosexual rapes and self-destructive behaviours. There was a loss of significance of the function of ritual-magical cant.

Authors and Affiliations

Witold Kędzierski


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How To Cite

Witold Kędzierski (2015). Auto- and allo-aggressive behaviours and attitudes of inmates, and ways to prevent them. Problemy Współczesnej Pedagogiki, 1(1), 41-55.