Autoaggressive behaviour with patients suffering from type 1 diabetes treated at the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Developmental Age – description of cases
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2013, Vol 47, Issue 5
Aim. The aim of this study was to observe autoagressive behaviour with patients suffering from type 1 diabetes hospitalized in The Child Psychiatry Department of The Paediatric Centre in Sosnowiec. Method. Analysis of clinical cases, medical documentation and literature. Results. Patients suffered from type 1 diabetes. On account of mental disorders they required treatment in a psychiatric ward. In the course of their hospitalization the appearance of various autoagressive behaviour were observed– the sick deliberately gave a dose of insulin improperly, apply an inadequate diet, and also self-mutilated themselves. Conclusions. Described patients by their own illness (type 1 diabetes) in a self-destructive way coped with negative emotions. Autoagressive behaviour were their way of coping with stress, communicating experienced problems to others, they also helped in reducing inner tension. Through autoagression patients express anger, guilt, shame, loneliness, inner emptiness, a lack of confidence or humiliation. The period of adolescence, female gender and the presence of chronic disease are the factors that could intensify the difficulties described.
Authors and Affiliations
Sabina Hacia, Lena Cichoń, Marta Nowak, Anna Fuchs, Przemysława Jarosz-Chobot, Małgorzata Janas-Kozik
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