Automated Leukemia Detection using Contour Signature in Blood Microscopic Images
Journal Title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 3
Out of four major types of leukemia acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is most common blood disorder in children’s of age ranging from 1-9 years. With lymphoblastic leukemia cancerous change begins in marrow cell where rapid growth of abnormal lymphocytes (a type of WBC) takes place. ALL often leads to wrong diagnosis because of its nonspecific nature. The present techniques that are generally used for diagnosis are time consuming and very costly. Microscopic examination of blood smear and bone marrow aspirate is the most economical technique but manual examination of microscopic images often leads to bias because of human error. Thus, there is a need to automate this procedure. Most convenient way is to do analysis of microscopic images using image processing techniques. The proposed work focuses on automation of microscopic study. In which preprocessing using median filtering is carried out to remove the noise from images. Automatic thresholding gives region of interest. Shape based features of separated nucleus are evaluated and then boundary roughness is evaluated using contour signature which can be used for identification of cancer cells.
Authors and Affiliations
Amruta Deshmukh , Prof. Mrs. Anagha Panditrao
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