Automatización del proceso de despliegue de servicios en la nube

Journal Title: MASKANA - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 3


The lack of standardization of the access methods and the management of resources in cloud environments hinders both, the portability of services between different cloud environments, and the agile deployment of services. In this context, it is important to reduce the deployment time in order to reduce the economic cost to organizations. The manuscript presents an approach for automating the deployment process of cloud services, by proposing a language that specifies the resource needs in cloud environments, in support to the logic of cloud services. The information about requirements is used for generating resource provisioning scripts and service configurations, both, specific to the deployment platform. This approach is applied to a case study in the Windows Azure© platform, used as a deployment environment and the development of a deployment script based on the cloud resource specification.

Authors and Affiliations

Miguel Zuñiga Prieto, Lizandro Solano Quinde, Emilio Insfran, Yessenia Cabrera


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How To Cite

Miguel Zuñiga Prieto, Lizandro Solano Quinde, Emilio Insfran, Yessenia Cabrera (2016). Automatización del proceso de despliegue de servicios en la nube. MASKANA, 7(3), -.