Autotransplantation of premolars and cryopreservation: tooth loss treatment in the anterior region

Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2006, Vol 2, Issue 4


In treatment of tooth loss in the anterior region: thevalue of autotransplantation of premolars to the anteriorregion is demonstrated. The treatment example shows carefulcoordination of a traumatological, orthodontic and surgicaltreatment, including cryopreservation of a premolar.With careful case selection and correct surgical and orthodontictechniques, it can be invaluable to the clinical orthodontistbecause long-term results are proving veryencouraging.Comparison between osseousintegrated implants andautotransplantation of teeth showed that: implants are asubstitute to normal tooth material without soft tissue; notransmission of marginal gingiva with gingival papillae is possible; no periodontal ligament induction of alveolarbone modelling and growth can be expected; eruption ofimplants is not possible along growth and orthodonticmovement or rotation is not possible. When autotransplantedteeth are considered: patients have normal tooth materialwith soft tissue; transmission of marginal gingiva withgingival papillae is possible; periodontal ligament inductionof alveolar bone modelling and growth can occur; normaltooth eruption is possible along growth as well asorthodontic movement or rotation. (Orthod. Forum 2006;2:89-98)

Authors and Affiliations

Hans U. Paulsen, Jens O. Andreasen, Ole Schwartz


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How To Cite

Hans U. Paulsen, Jens O. Andreasen, Ole Schwartz (2006). Autotransplantation of premolars and cryopreservation: tooth loss treatment in the anterior region. Forum Ortodontyczne, 2(4), 89-98.