„Az igazak emlékezete áldott”
Journal Title: ME.dok - MÉDIA–TÖRTÉNET–KOMMUNIKÁCIÓ - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3
(The memory of the righteous people is blessed) The article presents and analyzes episodes from the life of the Reformed Bishop, Makkai Sándor, who, since his early youth, was involved as a supporter of the cause of the Hungarian minority, facing the new power in Transylvania. Through his preachings, through his literary writings, including successful novels in their time, he created important moral landmarks for his contemporaries. His religious activity was combined harmoniously with extensive pedagogical activity.
Authors and Affiliations
József Máriás
Tárlatjegyzetek az Utunkban. A művészeti élet tükröződése a hetilap hasábjain 1965 és 1975 között
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Soli Deo gloria
(Soli Deo gloria. The periodical Az Út [The Way]. 1915–1944, 2001–2006) The theological periodical Az Út [The Way] founded by Ravasz László (1915), edited by Reformed theologians: Lajos Imre, Sándor Makkai, Sándor Tavasz...
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Szerkesztői előszó
About the women photographers and the women's journals in Hungary and Transylvania.