Bacterial contribution to the deposits formation in steel water pipeline: X-ray diffraction study
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2015, Vol 69, Issue 9
Most surveys concerning problems of microbiologically influen- ced corrosion in different water pipelines have been carried out using hydrated samples of sediments. Interesting alternative might be appli- cation of naturally dehydrated deposits to determine the participation of biofilm in microbiologically influenced corrosion. It might make it possible to avoid application of culture techniques or other complex research methods. Additionally, studies which indicate the microbio- logically influenced corrosion participation in formation of naturally dehydrated deposits will eliminate many problems associated with storing the samples of deposits/corrosion products. Some publica- tions suggest that the corrosion mechanism, and also type of bacte- ria which have participated in microbiologically influenced corrosion can be evaluated through the presence of specific crystalline phases among the corrosion products. The aim of this study was to deter- mine the participation of microorganisms in corrosion of steel pipe which was previously used in drinking water distribution system. It was based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of naturally dehy- drated deposits which were formed inside it. Based on the presence of specific crystalline phases and their content in the analysed samples, the specific mechanisms of corrosion influenced by sulphate reducing bacteria and iron oxidizing bacteria may be taken into account as con- tributing to corrosion of the tested steel pipe. which was previously used in drinking water distribution system. It was based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of naturally dehy- drated deposits which were formed inside it. Based on the presence of specific crystalline phases and their content in the analysed samples, the specific mechanisms of corrosion influenced by sulphate reducing bacteria and iron oxidizing bacteria may be taken into account as con- tributing to corrosion of the tested steel pipe.
Authors and Affiliations
A Hryniszyn, B Cwalina, M Staszewski
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