Badanie samodzielności, mobilności oraz funkcji społecznych dziecka z Zespołem Möbiusa dla potrzeb fizjoterapii
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2014, Vol 18, Issue 3
Möbius syndrome is a rare genetic neurological disorder. Clinically, it is characterized mainly by the paralysis of the 6th and 7th cranial nerves, resulting in an inability to move the muscles of the face and an inability to move the muscles of the eyeballs laterally. The main aim of this study is to present diagnostic tests that evaluate the independence, mobility and social function of a child with Möbius syndrome for the needs of physiotherapy. To collect the necessary empirical data, GMFM, PEDI and PPAC tests and medical records were used, along with a critical analysis of related literature. Furthermore, statistical methods such as creating stem-plots and classifying and calculating percentages were used. The participant is a child who is very well developed in terms of social function. The PEDI test shows that the underage patient earned 52 out of 63 possible points. She understands complex sentences very well and can communicate verbally. The child’s total functional efficiency is evaluated to be 90% according to the GMFM test. The collected data show that the psychomotor development of the child is as expected. The GMFM, PEDI and PPAC tests allow psychotherapists to formulate the goals of rehabilitation and prepare a multi-profile plan for therapy. Thanks to these standardised diagnostic tests, therapists are able to evaluate children objectively and, either during therapy or upon its completion, to compare their scores in order to further evaluate the outcome of rehabilitation.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Nowak
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