Barbiturate poisoning

Journal Title: Medical Science Pulse - Year 2016, Vol 10, Issue 2


Background: Barbiturates are a group of drugs with soporific properties. Poisoning can be chronic as well as acute. Depending on the dose and adopted preparation, the first symptoms may appear as quickly as after a few minutes following the intake. Therefore an instant response on the part of witnesses, family and a medical rescue team is very important.Aim of the study: The aim of the study is to present the problem of barbiturate poisoning, based on the description of a case study. At the same time, the author intends to highlight the significant role of a rescue team members performing emergency medical rescue action and diagnostic activities on the scene, as well as procedures connected with management of the patient in the hospital.Material and methods: Based on documentation of emergency medical services of the basic type, an analysis of a case of barbiturate poisoning is carried out.Case description: Emergency medical service received a summons to a man 35 years without contact, breathing irregularly. The initial diagnosis – probably drug intoxication. After completing basic research (physical examination) at the scene, confirmed barbiturate poisoning. Immediate action emergency medical services, the implementation of medical rescue operations and fast transport to the emergency department contributed to the improvement of the general condition of the patient. The patient after a quick qualification went to the ICU for further diagnosis and treatment.Conclusions: Barbiturate poisoning is rare. An intake of the substance outside hospital may be the result of a suicidal attempt. Only a responsibly conducted physical examination may contribute to the effective diagnosis of barbiturate poisoning and an instant implementation of intensive conservative therapy. Barbiturate poisoning leads to respiratory disorders due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles, which is why full preparation for ventilation, oxygen therapy and suction of the airway are the utmost priority. Disturbance of the electrolytes levels and the impact of barbiturates on the body may lead to cardiac arrhythmia. Application of fluid-based therapy will reverse the possible causes of sudden cardiac arrest. In the case of taking a doubt about the barbiturate poisoning one must remember about the possibility of contacting a poison control center. Hospital treatment is conditioned by the patient’s state, running a complete set of laboratory tests aimed at confirming the presence of barbiturates as well as is dependent on the water balance and values of electrolytes levels.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Kamil Krzyżanowski, Przemysław Żuratyński , Daniel Ślęzak, Paulina Buca


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  • EP ID EP82189
  • DOI 10.5604/20812021.1208699
  • Views 141
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How To Cite

Kamil Krzyżanowski, Przemysław Żuratyński, Daniel Ślęzak, Paulina Buca (2016). Barbiturate poisoning. Medical Science Pulse, 10(2), 3-8.