Between the "Saga" and the "Episodes en Swift": an Unknown Manuscript by Ilia Timkovskii (1849)

Journal Title: Київська Академія - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue


The archive discovery, manuscript «Notes for the history of Malorossia» («Zapiski dla istorii Malorossii») composed by Ilia Fedorovich Timkovskii (Илья Федорович Тимковский, 1773–1853), was initiated by its author in 1849, yet it was never finished. Like the majority of Timkovskii’s compelling written heritage, the «Notes» were overpassed by the researchers, even though such prominent figures in social science as Ilia Fedovorich’s own nephew Mikhail Maksimovich, Nikolai Shugurov, and Vladimir Naumenko wrote about Timkovskii. Unlike his impressive intellectual and social activity that surpassed the boundaries of his professional mandate (as lawyer, educator, literary scholar, etc.), his historiographical image remains fragmented and partial. Specifically, historiography is scarce as to the role Timkovskii played in facilitating the emergence of Ukrainian historical-cultural space, historical consciousness and knowledge, as well as in creating conditions for development of Ukrainian historic writing. Meanwhile, persisting documentary sources from Tikovskii’s archive, along with his egodocuments that were published in the 19th century, allow to fill this void. The structure of this publication is determined by aforementioned historiographical factors and the intent to introduce new historical sources into scholarly practice. This article includes only the first part of the publication. As such, it provides the introduction into the biographic context of the author of the «Notes», and focuses on his vision of the meaning of history and heritage. It follows the evolution of his idea to write a historical composition through the documents, as well as «external» reasons that caused him to stop working on the «Notes». The second part of the publication (in the next issue of Kyivan Academy), along with the original text of «The Notes for the history of Malorossia», will include the analysis of the sociocultural and source study context within which the «Notes» were created, as well as historical views of the author, and the relationship between his memoirs and historical writing.

Authors and Affiliations

Tatyana Ananyeva


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  • EP ID EP505110
  • DOI 10.18523/1995-025x2018155033
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How To Cite

Tatyana Ananyeva (2018). Between the "Saga" and the "Episodes en Swift": an Unknown Manuscript by Ilia Timkovskii (1849). Київська Академія, 0(), 135-170.