Music Culture and Education in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Journal Title: Київська Академія - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue


The research tries to answer the most complicated questions of the history of musical practice in the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in the early modern period. Singing constantly accompanied students in their lives, which is confirmed by school instructions, documents of various kinds, iconography, testimonies of eyewitnesses, etc. All students were obliged to attend the temples on the territory of the Brotherhood (Bratsky) Monastery, and the the most gifted became the singers here. They sang in the main «brotherhood» churches: the Epiphany Cathedral and the Annunciation (Congregation) Church. Students also sang in various churches in Podil, in the Kyiv Metropolitan choir, in the Saint Petersburg Court Chapel, etc. Academic singers participated in divine services, at the funerals, during church and secular celebrations, at the time of begging alms. That was the reason why the «bursa» (student dormitory) was called «singing» for some time. In addition, singing and playing musical instruments were part of the training. There is a relation that poetry was composed and performed at the poetic lessons through singing and playing musical instruments. Music performances were a separate part of the drama school. The choir and orchestra were an obligatory part of solemn theological and philosophical disputes. In addition, playing of musical instruments was recommended for entertainment for students and was strongly welcomed outside the school education. Special musical disciplines began to be taught at the academy only in the early years of the 19th century. To this day, only a part of the musical heritage associated with the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and the Brotherhood (Bratsky) Monastery has been preserved: paraliturgical and school songs, multivoice (partes) vocal concerts, Irmologions. Certainly, Artemy Vedel is considered the greatest among those composers who represented the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Unlike other prominent composers of the Ukrainian origin of the 18th century — Dmytro Bortniansky and Maksym Berezovsky — he did not only study for a long time at the academy, but also wrote works for the local choir, where they were immediately executed.

Authors and Affiliations

Ivan Kuzminskyi


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  • EP ID EP496603
  • DOI 10.18523/1995-025x2018155004
  • Views 51
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How To Cite

Ivan Kuzminskyi (2018). Music Culture and Education in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Київська Академія, 0(), 11-60.