Bezpieczeństwo militarne II Rzeczypospolitej - aspekty wewnętrzne

Journal Title: Doctrina. Studia Społeczno-Polityczne - Year 2016, Vol 13, Issue 13


Abstract: After 123 years under rules of partitioning powers, Poland regained its independence in a complex political and economic situation. The two main neigh-bors – Germany and the Soviet Russia – were hostile to the Polish state. Thus, the policies of both countries toward Poland were hostile. Germany sought to persuade international community that the Polish state was a temporary one, and the Soviet Russia, even though it officially declared the right of self-determination to the na-tions of the former Russian empire, was not going to accept the existence of "bour-geois" Poland. Polish relations with Czechoslovakia and Lithuania turned out to be bad as well. The boundaries of the Second Polish Republic, determined by decisions of Versailles and Riga treaties were finally recognized in March 1923. The territorial shape of the country was not favorable, and the excessively elongated – a total of 5534 km in length – irregular boundaries lacked, except from the southern border with Czechoslovakia, the natural features making them suitable for defence. What’s worse, the most stretched borders were those of the potential adversaries of Poland, so the border with Germany – 1912 km (including 607 km with the East Prussia) and of the border of the Soviet Russia (since 30 December 1922. the USSR) 1412 km. The disproportion between the length of the borders compared to the territory of the Polish state and the unfavorable political situation along its western, eastern and northern borders, forced Poland to prepare for defence in almost all directions since its very first days of independence. The basic conclusions of the analysis of the geopolitical position of the Sec-ond Polish Republic include: unfavorable borders, and its isolation in the interna-tional arena, in terms of both political and military, and economic relations. Since the independence was regained, there was an awareness in Poland about existence and growth of threats – external security was to assured by strong armed forces and an efficient defense system. However; he modernization of the armed forces between 1936 and 1939 did not alleviate the military disparity between Poland and Germany and the Soviet Union, especially in the modern weapon sys-tems. The weak link in the Polish state security system was also war planning.

Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Jaczynski


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How To Cite

Stanisław Jaczynski (2016). Bezpieczeństwo militarne II Rzeczypospolitej - aspekty wewnętrzne. Doctrina. Studia Społeczno-Polityczne, 13(13), 61-74.