Arthur Rimbaud’s animated and enigmatic life has never stopped intriguing the later generations. The unsatiated curiosity about the details of his past as a poet and adventurer is at the origin of the creation of the tex...
Satire is a literary genre with esthetic value determined by laughter. Every kind of laughter
is specific for different periods of economic and social development. The forms of material
production underlie the perception...
In André Gide’s Les Faux-monnayeurs, counterfeit money and characters flow in a plot
based on a circulatory system in which they seem to be interchangeable. Ideas flow as well
in the novel, creating a polyphonic intertex...
Since the beginning of the Twentieth Century, internationallyrenowned
stages and festivals have welcomed Spanish playwrights by
giving them the recognition they deserved. Not only has the subtitling
technique helped to k...
The article discusses the immigrant experience of America in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz and analyses it with the use of the neobaroque esthetics. The paper seeks to present neobaroque elements pre...
EP ID EP165467
DOI 10.17951/lsmll.2014.38.1.65
Views 66
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How To Cite
Zoja Kuca (2014). Библейский контекст в тетралогии Бориса Зайцева Путешествие Глеба. Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 38(38),
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Pour une biographie imaginaire d’Arthur Rimbaud
Arthur Rimbaud’s animated and enigmatic life has never stopped intriguing the later generations. The unsatiated curiosity about the details of his past as a poet and adventurer is at the origin of the creation of the tex...
Fondements socio-politiques et économiques de la tradition satirique
Satire is a literary genre with esthetic value determined by laughter. Every kind of laughter is specific for different periods of economic and social development. The forms of material production underlie the perception...
De l’effondrement de l’étalon-or au crépuscule des idoles dans Les Faux-monnayeurs d’André Gide
In André Gide’s Les Faux-monnayeurs, counterfeit money and characters flow in a plot based on a circulatory system in which they seem to be interchangeable. Ideas flow as well in the novel, creating a polyphonic intertex...
Le théâtre espagnol alternatif : l'avènement d'un lieu de métissages polymorphes et synergiques
Since the beginning of the Twentieth Century, internationallyrenowned stages and festivals have welcomed Spanish playwrights by giving them the recognition they deserved. Not only has the subtitling technique helped to k...
Neobaroque and the experience of America in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz
The article discusses the immigrant experience of America in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz and analyses it with the use of the neobaroque esthetics. The paper seeks to present neobaroque elements pre...