The subject of the article is the semantic analysis of non-lineared lexis in the modern Belarusian language. Among the analyzed words are personal and impersonal nouns, verbs, adjectives and participles selected from the...
This article deals with the specifics of the language and the translational difficulties of Teffi (Nadezhda Lochwicka), one of the most recognized figures of pre-revolutionary Russia, poet, columnist and author of humoro...
In the second half of the last century the English term black hole was borrowed into Polish and Russian. Soon, secondary meanings began to appear predominantly in journalistic texts. They have been partially recorded in...
EP ID EP646820
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How To Cite
Irena Rudziewicz (2001). Bibliografia publikacji Bazylego Białokozowicza : lata pracy w Olsztynie (1992-2000). ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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O nielinearności w leksykografii polsko-białoruskiej
The subject of the article is the semantic analysis of non-lineared lexis in the modern Belarusian language. Among the analyzed words are personal and impersonal nouns, verbs, adjectives and participles selected from the...
Jerzy Kamil Weintraub : tłumacz poezji Borysa Pasternaka
"Semantyka przestrzenna polskich przyimków prefigowanych na tle rosyjskim", Czesław Lachur, Opole 1999
Kobieta demoniczna Teffi (1872–1952) w przekładzie Juliana Tuwima
This article deals with the specifics of the language and the translational difficulties of Teffi (Nadezhda Lochwicka), one of the most recognized figures of pre-revolutionary Russia, poet, columnist and author of humoro...
Frazeologizm czarna dziura / черная дыра w słownikach oraz tekstach współczesnego języka polskiego i rosyjskiego
In the second half of the last century the English term black hole was borrowed into Polish and Russian. Soon, secondary meanings began to appear predominantly in journalistic texts. They have been partially recorded in...