Nowadays the publishing market offers five Polish translations of Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel Master and Margarita, which appeared in the space of almost fifty years. The objective of the article is to concentrate on the wa...
Folklore phraseology was a inexhaustible source of linguistic measures for Ivan Kotliarevsky,
as it allowed him to build humorous and satirical effects through introducing into his literary works
colloquial, dialectal an...
Ангажавнасць кампаравнатывістыкай : (дa 70-годдзя Базыля Бeлaкaзовіча)
Międzynarodowe sympozja w Zielonej Górze
Elementy trzeciej kultury w przekładach polskich wersji Mistrza i Małgorzaty Michaiła Bułhakowa
Nowadays the publishing market offers five Polish translations of Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel Master and Margarita, which appeared in the space of almost fifty years. The objective of the article is to concentrate on the wa...
Pierwszy polski odgłos powieści Iwana Turgieniewa "Ojcowie i dzieci"
Ukraińskie frazeologizmy w polskim przekładzie Piotra Kuprysia Eneidy Iwana Kotlarewskiego
Folklore phraseology was a inexhaustible source of linguistic measures for Ivan Kotliarevsky, as it allowed him to build humorous and satirical effects through introducing into his literary works colloquial, dialectal an...