Journal Title: International Journal of Library Science and Research (IJLSR) - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 1
The paper examine the articles published by Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) journal for authorship pattern, degree of collaboration, year wise growth and length of papers.278 articles have been published in the "Journal of Intellectual Property Rights "volumes 16to 20 during the years 2011-2015,of the total articles 278 on intellectual property rights, maximum contribution of articles is found during the year 2013. More number of articles has been written by four authors. The degree of collaboration is found to be 0.41 in this study.
Authors and Affiliations
NAAC Indicators and Government Degree College Libraries of North Karnataka: A Study
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Challenges of Collection Development in University Libraries of Tamil Nadu in the Electronic Environment
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E-Resources for Public Libraries: A Proposal in the Context of National Mission on Libraries
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Role of Academic Library to Encourage Student Community about the Impact of Yoga in Modern Age: An Overview
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Use of ICT Based Resources and Services: A Study among LIS Research Scholars in South Tamil Nadu
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