Bilder aus der Dobrudscha 1916-1918, Imagini din Dobrogea 1916-1918, translation by Gustav Rückert (Constanţa: Ex Ponto, 2011), 374pp., ISBN: 978-606-598-073-0
Journal Title: Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta Seria Istorie - Year 2011, Vol 8, Issue 0
Authors and Affiliations
Costel Coroban
Vecinătatea URSS – factor de insecuritate pentru România interbelică
Tentativa spaniolă de invadare a Angliei şi distrugerea “Invincibilei Armada” - 1588
USSR Proximity-Insecurity Element in Respect of Inter-War Romania
In decisive year 1939 that marked the evolution of Europe for a period of several decades, it is important to assert that the worst situation was in Eastern Europe, including Romania. One might involve the presence of a...
European policies for Romania. Landmarks in point of Integrated Maritime Policy
Beginning with 2007, the Faculty of History and Political Sciences, „Ovidius” University of Constanta launched a series of debates, scientific activities under the title: European policies for Romania. In this respect, o...
References Of The Cold War. The Collocation That Substituted The Third World War
The postwar historiography assesses that the Cold War started from the years of world armed conflict between 1939-1945, thus consolidating the charater neither of peace or war, but better expressed by means of the phrase...