In decisive year 1939 that marked the evolution of Europe for a period of several decades, it is important to assert that the worst situation was in Eastern Europe, including Romania. One might involve the presence of a...
Liberty is a innate attribute and significant for the human being. This means that liberty is innate gift. However, the human being doesn’t have absolute freedom and he isn't given this freedom the moment he is born once...
“Everything about Careii Mari” tells us the memories of a
Romanian soldier who was among the first ones to liberate the city of Careii
Mari on the night of October 24th – 25th, 1944. It was the unit of Captain
In the following article we will review the most remarkable
events which, in our opinion, have marked the frame of understanding the
preliminaries of the Cold War, especially in the given regional plan. The
purpose of...
EP ID EP97494
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How To Cite
Gheorghe Buzatu (2006). Vecinătatea URSS – factor de insecuritate pentru România interbelică. Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta Seria Istorie, 3(0),
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USSR Proximity-Insecurity Element in Respect of Inter-War Romania
In decisive year 1939 that marked the evolution of Europe for a period of several decades, it is important to assert that the worst situation was in Eastern Europe, including Romania. One might involve the presence of a...
Modern Man between Christian Freedom and Philosophical Freedom
Liberty is a innate attribute and significant for the human being. This means that liberty is innate gift. However, the human being doesn’t have absolute freedom and he isn't given this freedom the moment he is born once...
“Everything about Careii Mari” tells us the memories of a Romanian soldier who was among the first ones to liberate the city of Careii Mari on the night of October 24th – 25th, 1944. It was the unit of Captain Costach...
Democraţie Parlamentară sau Prezidenţială?
The Preliminaries of the Cold War between the Danube and the Black Sea
In the following article we will review the most remarkable events which, in our opinion, have marked the frame of understanding the preliminaries of the Cold War, especially in the given regional plan. The purpose of...