Biochemical Changes in The Intervertebral Discs After Electromagnetic Radiation: An Experimental Study
Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2012, Vol 29, Issue 1
Objective: We investigated the intervertebral discs in a rat electromagnetic radiation (EMR) model to demonstrate that electromagnetic radiation is a cause of degenerative intervertebral discs. Methods: Rats were randomly divided into four groups: group I consisted of control rats, and groups II-IV comprised electromagnetically irradiated with 900, 1800 and 2400 MHz. The rats were placed into a specially designed mechanism, and their heads were exposed to 900, 1800 and 2400 MHz microwaves irradiation for 1 h per day for 2 months. The control group rats were placed into same system. The same procedure was applied to the control group while the rats were not exposed to the electromagnetic waves. Results: The intervertebral disc Interleukin-1β levels as well as the total antioxidative capacity (TAC) and total oxidative capacity (TOS) values in the EMR groups (900, 1800, 2400 MHz) were higher than those in the control group (p<0.05). In the EMR groups, group II intervertebral disc Interleukin-1β levels and TAC were not significantly different from those in group III (P>0.05). Group II intervertebral disc TOS was significantly different from that in groups III and IV (P<0.05). In the Oxidative Stress Index (OSI) comparisons , group II was significantly different from groups I, III and IV (P<0.05). Conclusions: Electromagnetic radiation increased the intervertebral disc release of inflammatory cytokine IL-1β and oxidative radicals. This process can lead to degeneration of intervertebral disc.
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