Biochemical effects of two phytochemical mixture Eugenol with (+)-O-Methylarmepavine during the morphogenetic development of Blattella germanica
The German cockroach, Blattella germanica, is an important sanitary pest. It is cosmopolitan and abundant in homes and other human installations. Besides contaminating the places they live in with their excrements and exuviae, they are the mechanical vectors for a number of human pathogenic microorganisms and also produce allergens. The food items are contaminated by the in and around movements of German cockroaches which become unsuitable for the human consumption. Proteins are the characteristic components of the tissues which play a major role in morphogenetic events. The quantitative estimation of the proteins in the fatbody, haemolymph and ovary of nymphs and the adult was carried out to show their interrelationship. Anti gonadotropic action of Eugenol with (+)-O-Methylarmepavine on Blatella germanica was studied in the fatbody, haemolymph and the ovarian proteins during the morphogenetic development.
Authors and Affiliations
Anand Konkala, Sabita Raja
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