Biological assessments of streams that have been adversely impacted by sediment runoff in Idaho, USA
Journal Title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation - Year 2010, Vol 42, Issue 1
Sediments are the major source of pollution in surface waters of the Pacific North- west Region of the USA. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between SMI water quality scores at 76 sampling sites in eight watersheds and the observed soil erosion rates on adjacent landscapes. The water quality SMI scores in streams were obtained using stream macro in- vertebrates as an indicator of water quality, while soil erosion rates were determined by observation on adjoining landscapes during periods of maxi- mum precipitation. Soil erosion rates of <2, 2–5, 5–15, 15–25 and >25 mt/ha/yr were observed at 9, 20, 45, 14 and 12% of the sampling sites, respectively. Landscapes with erosion rates of less than 5 mt/ha/yr generally resulted in good water quali- ty in adjacent streams; however, when soil erosion rates on adjacent landscapes exceeded 5 mt/ha/yr SMI water quality scores were less than good 86% of the time. Strong significant relationships were observed between SMI water quality rating and observed soil erosion rates. Consequently, land management or rehabilitation practices that reduce soil erosion rates to levels below 5 mt/ha/ /yr should improve stream water quality
Authors and Affiliations
Połączenie „Jezior Zwenkau-Cospuden” jako jeden z elementów rekultywacji terenu po kopalniach odkrywkowych i jego przyszłe znaczenie dla rozwoju tego regionu
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