Bionics, modeling and computer simulation in investigation of basic human psycho-motor activities

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2009, Vol 19, Issue 45


In the paper one reminds slightly forgotten tool of human body motion investigation which takes use of bionics, control theory and computer simulation. Basically, the body motion is understood as a control process where the body anatomic structure, referred to in terms of simplified mechanical model, is considered as controlled plant whereas the hypothetically assumed appropriate controller is localized within sensory-motor system. The coherent closed-loop body motion model is investigated by use of computer simulation. The simulation results are finally verified by comparison with the real body motion and necessary modifications of the model are introduced. The body motion may be unambiguously described in terms of a small number of the most essential model parameters. Finally one can try to localize the identified control functions within the sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) paths. The so described procedure appeared to be very effective in exploring the most essential features of body motion in sport and rehabilitation applications. Two examples of an application of the procedure are presented.

Authors and Affiliations

Janusz M. Morawski


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How To Cite

Janusz M. Morawski (2009). Bionics, modeling and computer simulation in investigation of basic human psycho-motor activities. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 19(45), 91-108.