On the Nature of Automation

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 17, Issue 41


The author points to two bases of all sensorimotor performances efficacy: physical efficiency and the mode of information processing (co-ordination abilities). The latter is decisive of the efficacy in controlling the power flows in a living organism and it is just this aspect that the author has concentrated upon. Discussed is the problem of enhancing the efficiency of all sensorimotor performances resulting from automation. Increased efficiency results from decreased necessity of conscious information processing which needs making use of feedback. Thus, such a process relieves some resources of short-term and working memories (in the author’s opinion they make separate systems of memory) which as a matter of fact are rather limited. Consequently, the time necessary to perform an action grows shorter. The problem has been presented taking into account the structure of memory, the rules of general theory of systems and the Bernstein’s theory of movements’ construction. The author introduced a widened model of information processing which occurs in humans while performing a sensorimotor action. It has been proved that all the theories mentioned above might make solid basis for a coherent pattern of movements’ control, explaining the improvement of efficiency as due to automation. The problems of chunking, coding, priming and automation have been presented as a coherent system. There has been produced a general scheme of automation process as well as significant difference between the notions “exercisability” and “trainability”. The processes of automated movement control have been associated with psychological phenomena resulting from the Yerkes-Dodson Law (inverted U-hypothesis). The five-level model of movements’ construction has been proved to make solid basis for a coherent pattern of movements’ control. The achievements of other scholars may be inscribed into the pattern, too, even if they did not avail themselves of Bernstein’s attainments.

Authors and Affiliations

Wacław Petryński


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How To Cite

Wacław Petryński (2008). On the Nature of Automation. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 17(41), 93-106. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-60312