[b][i]Privatization of Sensitive Economic Information as a Way to Violate Legal Protection of the Debtor[/i][/b]
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2012, Vol 4, Issue 1
The purpose of the legal regulations provided by the Polish law with regard to transparency and security of trading and with regard to accessibility of information on the credibility of particular legal entities is for the state to ensure efficient functioning of a public economic information system. How- ever, the tasks required to achieve this purpose are not performed by public administration but by private entities: Economic Information Offices (Biura Informacji Gospodarczej). The crucial issue is, however, that these institutions have, in the course of their activity, broadened the basic assumptions of the Act on BIG, particularly by using these regulations for purposes of debt recovery, including outdated claims.
Authors and Affiliations
Edyta Dębska
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