Block coincidence of sacroiliac joints in lateral curvature of the spine as well as the effect of the therapy on the size of scoliosis
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2015, Vol 15, Issue 2
In the presentation the authors try to estimate dependencies between lateral curvature of the spine occurrence and the dysfunction of sacroiliac joints as blocks. It was pointed out that scoliosis as a phenomenon can be widely observed in a human body. The position itself as well as the course of the delivery may lead to different types of muscle tone disorders and positional asymmetry in effect of fascia continuity damaging of the neonate during the delivery or perinatal period.It may be assumed that the pathology of embryonic development and later in neonatal period can be the origin of the spine statics disorder, and consequently cause overloads of sacroiliac joints manifested in blocks. The secondary effect of the dysfunction of sacroiliac joints may be an asymmetric arrangement of hip bones, and this could lead to asymmetric position of the sacrum and compensatory scoliosis (the term coined by the authors).Authors underline the important role of the dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint - the strongest proprioreceptor in the joint system – in causing other joints to disfunction, even those which are distant to the pelvis as well as causing muscle tone disorders.The authors described the following phenomena:1) how occurrence of sacroiliac joints blocks correlate with the asymmetry of the pelvis position,2) the relation of lateral curvature of the spine size with the rotation of the spine with a sacroiliac joint block.In the group of tested children with the scoliosis of a little degree (up to 5 degrees of the rotation) it was noticed that there was a high percentage of the sacroiliac joint dysfunction going with the asymmetric pelvis position. After the therapy of sacroiliac joints blocks there was a statistically substantial improvement in the position of the pelvis as well as the decrease in the scoliosis degree (with connected to it vertebra rotation) was observed.
Authors and Affiliations
Daniel Olędzki, Tomasz Sajko, Andrzej Sadowski, Marek Kiljański
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