Historical outline of neuromobilisation in Poland and worldwide

Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 12, Issue 1


The objective of the study is to present a historical outline of neuromobilisation and clinical neurodynamics -in Poland and worldwide. Following the development of non-invasive methods of treatment, the knowledge of nervous system mechanics has become more and more extensive.The first record of performing a neurodynamic test goes back to 2800 BC. Many years later, in the first and second half of 20th century, Bragard, Von Lanz and Wachsmuth described three main neurodynamic tests for an upper limb. The biggest worldwide input in neuromobilisation problems development was made by the following scientists: Geoffrey Maitland, Robert Elvey, David Butler, Michael Shacklock and Alf Breig. David Butler and Michael Shacklock definitely represent the key researchers since it is them who, during their cooperation in the period of 1990-1997, made a great input in the origins of neuromobilisation treatment methods.The concept of nervous system mobilisation in Poland was initiated in April 1998 in Zgorzelec, where the first course run by David Butler himself, was held. In the same year Zbigniew Śliwiński published his first two studies in the journal entitled “Manual Medicine”.At present trainings, courses and numerous research works, focused on nervous system mechanics, are conducted in Poland. The most recent and worth noting publications are these referring to neuromobilisation effectiveness and performed by the team of Dwornik, Białoszewski and colleagues.

Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Zdunek


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Przemysław Zdunek (2012). Historical outline of neuromobilisation in Poland and worldwide. Fizjoterapia Polska, 12(1), 77-81. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-65861